Beaking News

Do you that some men find it is difficult to last more than 5 minutes during sex or can’t even last for 2 minutes...??? Infact, report made us to understand that some men last but for just 20 seconds. If you suffer from this ailment, then I want you to know that you are not the only one involved. This is a type of ailment  affecting a lot of men and has been one of the biggest reasons for many relationship and marriage breakups. But I have a good news for you, if you will read this post to the last...

What is Quick ejaculation?

Some of us don’t understand what this is clearly. Some mix it up with weak erection,and while some believe it the same as weak erection. Nope it is not,they are two different things entirely. Let me differentiate both..

Weak erection is when a man finds it hard to erect properly, which means any man that is not standing upright down there  is suffering from weak erection or a man that finds it hard to erect for a second round of action.

Quick Ejaculation is when a man doesn’t last long in bed,e.t.c( from 1-10mins) and that is usually against his wish and this results to unsatisfactory sex for both partners..

Quick ejaculation is the common forms of male sexual dysfunction.This has probably affected every man at some point in his life. And this problem has caused many breakups in relationship because every lady wants to be sexually satisfied ,and that is why most men having this are trying to get permanent solution for it..

To tell you the truth if you don’t satisfy your woman in terms of sex, another man will do it for you, it will only not happen to a man that has a God fearing wife, but she will still complain,cause her body built around this...

Why do u think most sugar mummies are looking for young bodies to mingle with...? Apparently its because they want to be sexually satisfied.

Why do u think most rich men wife cheat?? We all know that it not because of money 'cause they have it, they cheat because their husbands don’t satisfy them in that aspect, 'cause the man is always in a meeting with share holders, or travelings here and there,and when he gets back home he is already stressed..

When it time for action you won’t do more than one minute and the man will be breathing and sweating like person that just finished lifting a heavy weight

If the wife ask for second round you will say “darling wait let me rest a bit”
From there resting will turn to snoring. Why? Because of too much stress..

No man is born with quick ejaculation. Believe it or not some certain reasons are responsible for this..

But in most men this case of premature ejaculation is a problem, I mean it looks like a permanent for them in every situation and time they are having it..

And one thing you should know is that what soever is the cause of premature ejaculation, even if you stop what caused it it won’t leave you until you treat it..
I mean it won’t stop until you treat it

And most of the causes are related to medical cause such as:

Hormonal problems..
Side effect of certain pills..
Infection as well
Sometimes it's always caused by self Inflicted acts..


That is where masturbation comes in.. It affects a mans organ in terms of weak erection and quick ejaculation as well .Some men can masturbate indiscriminately...Seriously if you are one of them,you need to stop because you are destroying your sex organ and aside from that it makes your joystick smaller and shrink in size over time.

Consumption of bananas helps you to get out of these situations quickly and naturally.

Any permanent solution to this problem?? Yes!!! Wait for my next post..

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