First, you should know that most women have experiences with a foul-smelling discharge at the end of their menstrual cycle. In general, the discharges which occur after menstrual periods have no odor or a faint smell. However, you could notice an odourless transparent or white discharge, smelly off-white or white, creamy discharge, green foul-smelling discharge or a brown smelly discharge. In most cases, it is caused by the remnants from a shedding endometrial lining, but the cause could be linked to pathological diseases as well and call for urgent medical attention. The problem might not affect all women the same way and with the same level of intensity, but everyone has to deal with to a certain extent.
If you notice that you have a smelly white discharge after period and it smells, then it is possible that it’s caused by a yeast infection or thrush. Candida albicans causes this infection and it happens whenever a hormonal change alters the natural bacteria inside the vagina. This will hit your hormone balance hard, so you need to see a doctor or gynecologist to get prescription medication.
If your vaginal odour is caused by a yellowish green and frothy discharge after period, this could indicate that you have gonorrhea. This is a serious infection for women as the bacteria can go into the fallopian tubes steadily and slowly.
If you have a creamy gray/off-white discharge with a fishy smell after period, you could be affected by bacterial vaginosis. This condition will require you to get checked out by a doctor in order to get the necessary treatment. On the other hand, you could have a Chlamydia infection if the smelly discharge is accompanied by a burning sensation inside the vagina. The best way to know is to get tested at the earliest possible time because the disease can lead to infertility if treatment is not done in time.
If you have a slightly green dischargewith a strong smell, then it is highly likely that you have a disease called trichomoniasis. This is an amoebic infection that is potentially harmless, but some reports say that it can spread into the fallopian tubes. For this reason, you have to visit your doctor as early as possible to find a cure.
Another ways that you could have this smelly vaginal discharge is from a forgotten tampon. This might be hard to believe but this happens to a number of women. Some women forget to take out the tampon on the last day of their period and it festers during this time to cause a smelly discharge.
In case of a smelly, brown dischargeafter period, there is the possibility that it’s caused by bacteria. It is now possible to find feminine washes on the market to get relief from this problem. However, the best approach is to get a checkup done at a gynecologist’s clinic for the doctor to find the underlying cause of the smelly discharge. You could be dealing with other complications if the discharge is occurring for one or more weeks after your menstrual period. It cannot be stressed enough about how important it is to contact a doctor at the earliest possible time to avoid any serious health problems.
As soon as you notice a vaginal odour after a menstrual period, you should take steps to ensure that you are following good hygiene habits. For prevention, it is important to bathe frequently and trim the pubic hairs. Use the sit on warm water therapy.
You should not do excessive vaginal douching or stop doing it completely if you notice an offensive and persisting vaginal odour. It is also important to change your sanitary pads and tampons regularly when menstruating as well as to use a non-irritating brand.
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