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1. NAM 1 was running a legit gold business with Horizon Company in Dubai which EOCO and SEC are much aware of for the past 4 years..
He takes your money, buys the gold and sells it to them..the interest is what you all enjoy..

2.So the Horizon Company asks NAM1 to provide them with gold worth 32 million dollars which he promises to do so within 2 weeks

4.EOCO and SEC officials bypass NAM and Menzgold, go see the CEO of Horizon and tell him that, he should stop trading with Menzgold and trade with another company called GASTGOLD

4.The Horizon Company from Dubai meet one Mr.Adouye a nigerian who posed as the son of the otumfuor and a max shareholder of Menzgold, Also he owns GASTGOLD.Mr.Adouye is assisted by one Charles Daraku a strong financier of the current government

5.Horizon Company sets meeting with these two guys..They fly to Dubai and per meeting , agrees to provide them with 50 million dollars worth of gold.Initially it was 140 million dollars but then 50 million for starters.

6 So the Horizon Company pays a total of 48 million dollars to these two guys.NAM1 also at his side manages to raise 750 killograms worth of gold equivalent to 32 million dollars , flies it to Dubai and hands it over to Horizon Company

7.NAM1 then comes home waiting for his money..Two swift cheques comes in and they all get bounced..NAM1 decides to go to Dubai to take his money..Upon arrival he gets arrested for scam..

8.Now EOCO and SEC seeing the mess about to happen quickly places a ban on Menzgold, defame the company and the owner and thats when panick withdrawal starts..

9.They issue statements claiming that NAM1 has run away from Ghana meanwhile they were much aware of his depature , with details,emails ,ermissions, checks and paper works..

10. Mr.Aduoye and Charles Daraku quickly given VIP pass at Kotoka to escape from Ghana after hearing that NAM1 has been arrested in Dubai..EOCO and SEC never mentioned these two guys or what they have done.

11.Mind you these two guys received the Money in Ghana .Through UNIBANK. Account number
0301002050011..The account is attached to a name, why is the person not arrested yet?
Charles Daraku led this transactions and sources proof that Charles is a close friend to a very close friend of the President

12. Mind you, NAM1 doesn't know these people or anything concerning this transactions.The reason why NAM1 gets into this mess is because the CEO of Horizon inserts NAM1 name in his statement thinking NAM1 knows these guys and was working with them.Because he had no data on the two fraudsters

13.Four days after his arrest, Gabby Octhere Darko tweets that Interpol red flag will be placed on NAM1 because he has jumped bail and abscorned from Ghana..Mind you, till date , there is no detail of his arrest in Ghana or whoever bailed him here till he left for Dubai

14.After NAM1 wins case in Dubai,he tells court that he wants to come to Ghana to pay his customers with the 32million dollars..Dubai court tells NAM1 that until he can access his money, the interpol red allert must be lifted off him. Mind you, Dubai has lifted theirs ,Which your Ghana government has refused to.So if you are not getting your money, its not NAM1..its your government

15.NAM1 willingly comes to Ghana to fight for his revoke so.he can pay his customers and he is again arrested by Ghana government for being a criminal..He has been locked up.Note that EOCO and SEC were much aware of NAM1 whereabout in Dubai yet still issued this INTERPOL allert on him..NAM1 was in contact with the Ghana embassy in Dubai through out this issue..

16.Mind you EOCO and SEC introduced Horizon to Menzgold first.So if NAM1 was indeed operating illegally, why did EOCO validate him?EOCO and SEC knew Menzgold was Legit, yet still lied and defamed NAM1

17.Did this Horizon Royal Diamons Company conspire with people from the Ghana government to lock up NAM1? Because at court in Dubai, CEO of Horizon said he inserted NAM1 name not sure if NAM1 had scammed him or not.

18.Interpol Arrest is placed on people whose whearabouts are unknown, but the UAE government was in contact with NAM1 everyday.A delegation from Ghana was sent to Dubai to meet NAM1 and he NAM1 was in contact with EOCO frequently..So why was an alert on him still?

19.Why havent the police gone after Mr.Adouye and Charles Daraku? Why wasnt Unibank Investigated..

20.Why was Horpson Adoyer sacked from the Ghana Airport?

Watch out for part 2..
Original source from With All Due Respect - Loud Silence can watch the video there..
P.S pardon my typos.. case .!!!Erastus Asare Donkor writes:

Loud silence true is this?

So from the video i watched
1. NAM 1 was running a legit gold business with Horizon Company in Dubai which EOCO and SEC are much aware of for the past 4 years..
He takes your money, buys the gold and sells it to them..the interest is what you all enjoy..

2.So the Horizon Company asks NAM1 to provide them with gold worth 32 million dollars which he promises to do so within 2 weeks

4.EOCO and SEC officials bypass NAM and Menzgold, go see the CEO of Horizon and tell him that, he should stop trading with Menzgold and trade with another company called GASTGOLD

4.The Horizon Company from Dubai meet one Mr.Adouye a nigerian who posed as the son of the otumfuor and a max shareholder of Menzgold, Also he owns GASTGOLD.Mr.Adouye is assisted by one Charles Daraku a strong financier of the current government

5.Horizon Company sets meeting with these two guys..They fly to Dubai and per meeting , agrees to provide them with 50 million dollars worth of gold.Initially it was 140 million dollars but then 50 million for starters.

6 So the Horizon Company pays a total of 48 million dollars to these two guys.NAM1 also at his side manages to raise 750 killograms worth of gold equivalent to 32 million dollars , flies it to Dubai and hands it over to Horizon Company

7.NAM1 then comes home waiting for his money..Two swift cheques comes in and they all get bounced..NAM1 decides to go to Dubai to take his money..Upon arrival he gets arrested for scam..

8.Now EOCO and SEC seeing the mess about to happen quickly places a ban on Menzgold, defame the company and the owner and thats when panick withdrawal starts..

9.They issue statements claiming that NAM1 has run away from Ghana meanwhile they were much aware of his depature , with details,emails ,ermissions, checks and paper works..

10. Mr.Aduoye and Charles Daraku quickly given VIP pass at Kotoka to escape from Ghana after hearing that NAM1 has been arrested in Dubai..EOCO and SEC never mentioned these two guys or what they have done.

11.Mind you these two guys received the Money in Ghana .Through UNI BANK. Account number
0301002050011..The account is attached to a name, why is the person not arrested yet?
Charles Daraku led this transactions and sources proof that Charles is a close friend to a very close friend of the President

12. Mind you, NAM1 doesnt know these people or anything concerning this transactions.The reason why NAM1 gets into this mess is because the CEO of Horizon inserts NAM1 name in his statement thinking NAM1 knows these guys and was working with them.Because he had no data on the two fraudsters

13.Four days after his arrest, Gabby Octhere Darko tweets that Interpol red flag will be placed on NAM1 because he has jumped bail and abscorned from Ghana..Mind you, till date , there is no detail of his arrest in Ghana or whoever bailed him here till he left for Dubai

14.After NAM1 wins case in Dubai,he tells court that he wants to come to Ghana to pay his customers with the 32million dollars..Dubai court tells NAM1 that until he can access his money, the interpol red allert must be lifted off him. Mind you, Dubai has lifted theirs ,Which your Ghana government has refused to.So if you are not getting your money, its not NAM1..its your government

15.NAM1 willingly comes to Ghana to fight for his revoke so.he can pay his customers and he is again arrested by Ghana government for being a criminal..He has been locked up.Note that EOCO and SEC were much aware of NAM1 whereabout in Dubai yet still issued this INTERPOL allert on him..NAM1 was in contact with the Ghana embassy in Dubai through out this issue..

16.Mind you EOCO and SEC introduced Horizon to Menzgold first.So if NAM1 was indeed operating illegally, why did EOCO validate him?EOCO and SEC knew Menzgold was Legit, yet still lied and defamed NAM1

17.Did this Horizon Royal Diamons Company conspire with people from the Ghana government to lock up NAM1? Because at court in Dubai, CEO of Horizon said he inserted NAM1 name not sure if NAM1 had scammed him or not.

18.Interpol Arrest is placed on people whose whearabouts are unknown, but the UAE government was in contact with NAM1 everyday.A delegation from Ghana was sent to Dubai to meet NAM1 and he NAM1 was in contact with EOCO frequently..So why was an alert on him still?

19.Why havent the police gone after Mr.Adouye and Charles Daraku? Why wasnt Unibank Investigated..

20.Why was Horpson Adoyer sacked from the Ghana Airport?

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